Swan Bay Folk Art Center

What We Do
At Swan Bay Folk Art Center, we want to inspire others to create pieces of their own history
by making high quality traditional crafts. We teach others the art and skills of basketry, needle felting, weaving, spinning, and more!
Meet the Flock
"My sheep listen to my voice; I know them and they follow me." John 10:27
For the past 25 years, Swan Bay Farm has been committed to breeding sheep for the purpose of producing the finest quality wool. This wool is exceptional for all fiber arts, especially spinning, felting, and making soft knitted and crocheted apparel.
Right now, we have nine ewes and one ram...with lots of lambs on the way. (See descriptions below to meet some of them!) The sheep are fed a multigrain mixture of oats, corn, and molasses once a day, fresh hay, and are able to graze on their five acre pasture at their leisure. There are two barn sheds they can find shelter in at night or when it is raining or snowing. They are shorn once every year by a specially trained shearer who travels to flocks throughout the Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware area. (He thinks our sheep are the healthiest and have most beautiful fleeces out of all the sheep he shears!)
We have two sheep events at our farm every year where you can come meet our sheep, Lamb Celebration Day, and Sheep Shearing Day. Private tours are not available at this time. Our sheep are specially trained and come when they are called by their shepherdess. When you come to meet our flock in person, you are sure to witness a great sheep stampeed when Niki calls, "Little Sheeeeep!!!!"
Did you know???
Sheep have no top teeth, so they can not bite you.
Lambs do not recognize thier mothers after they are shorn, eventhough the moms know their babies. They have to do a lot of smelling and bleating before they recognize who belongs to whom.
Lanolin is a natural oil found in wool that makes a sheep waterproof so rain does not soak into their fleeces.
When one sheep is lost or leaves the pen, the other sheep will be so unsettled and noisy until that sheep is returned to the flock.
Black sheep look brown because their wool gets bleached by the sun. When they are sheered, they look black again.